Donnerstag, 17. März 2022

P&O - "Handcuff-trained" für 14.50£ pro Stunde

P&O hat eine Sicherheitsfirma beauftragt, für Ruhe zu sorgen. Deren Mitarbeiter haben die folgende Mail erhalten:

You have been selected to deploy on a task in Dover that will be fairly high profile. This task will run for 1 week...

As of the 17th you will be dispatched by coach to Dover docks to assist the client in their delivery...

I am limited on information I can provide due to a non-disclosure agreement however, the client we are assisting requires 16 officers (handcuff-trained) to support their security teams in the unlikely event some of their staff become challenging. Essentially, our client will be informing staff of redundancies and there is a possible risk of backlash...

You will all need your uniform including cuffs and utility belt. You will not need body armour for this task.

 Das alles für fürstliche 14,50 £ pro Stunde.

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